Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

01.02. - 02.02 Alicante

After a long time without any trip Mr. Schulz and Mr. Müller decided to go to the beach (again). Because Ralf and Jacopo will leave Madrid pretty soon, they were chosen to go to Alicante too.
The trip started as usual. Mr. Müller decided to drive and the rest of the crew ...

Alicante is situated in the southwest of Spain and the main attraction is an old castle on a mountain - unfortunately closed because of construction that day.
The weather happened to be beautiful - clear sun!

Lancelot our brave Audi was parked save in a garage, without giving away any space!

So the sightseeing could begin.

Our Italian company -> sunglasses are German

Spanish construction zone - at least safe!

The main goal of that trip was to get to the beach! And Alicante is having a wonderful beach!
The crew entered the beach area to chillout a little bit!

Another purpose of that trip was to purchase boat for Captain Schulz!
We highly underestimated the prices of these "nutshells"!
Hmmm ... at least we now know how long we have to work for stuff like that!

The crew was starving and because of the 20 degrees quite thirsty!

Logistic planning is the groundwork for every successful trip!

No - we are not gay-friendly!

Knowledge is power ...

... and food lecker!

The people in Alicante liked the Erasmus-Delegates from Madrid so much, that they organized spontaneously a parade for them!

And the Delegates just enjoyed!

The night came and every soldier needs sleep!
Pretty soon an old abandoned mansion was captured and the lunch could begin again!

Georg is saying "Hello" to - ... forgot!

That's a view to wake up, isn't it!

A Five-Star with all the pleasures one needs!

The Parking-Sl"u"t!

Breakfast all inclusive!
Only theese Gipsy-Waitresses (in the picture on the left) were not that good!

The suit was too expensive!

The beach of Alicante was conquered successfuly!

Finally the crew had dinner in Alcalá del Júcar
and arrived home safe in Madrid!

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Un viaje asì nunca me pasarà una otra vez en mi vida...Super super super Geil!!!
Gracias a:
- Lancelot
- Los Hermanos
- El Primo
- Mr. Mahou
- Los Ravioli a las 5 de la mañana
- El Sol
- La playa...
creo que es todo :)